It sure was sweet to see those of you who came to in-person classes for the few seconds we were back in the studio this summer. And, I’ve loved connecting with some of you this season through astrology consultations and the planetary archetype yoga series.
It’s hard to say when I’ll be back to in-person classes… It depends on when these variants calm down. In the meantime I’ll be offering regular practice support via pre-recorded mini practices: Shala’s Home Practice Series. (And, I’ll continue doing the virtual classes via Asheville Yoga Center.)
My intent is to send out two pre-recorded sessions each week via this email format: one gentle/restorative/yin practice and one vinyasa flow practice. I’ll try to keep each recording around 25-45 minutes in length, with the thought that you can do them separately for a shorter practice or one right after the other for a longer practice. This week's recordings are a little longer than I meant them to be, woops. You’ll have free access to each recording for one week. If you have the ability to pay for the recordings, I’d gratefully accept love offerings of $1-$6 per recording/sliding scale.
Below is a picture of my pup, Benny, looking CALM and ALERT. That combination of calm/alert, relaxed/awake is what we’re going for when we practice Sama Vritti Pranayama. This week’s recordings both feature Sama Vritti Pranayama, a breathing practice in which the inhalations and exhalations are equal in length. There’s a brief description of Sama Vritti and its benefits and contraindications at the beginning of each video clip (below) before the practice begins.
Feel free to use your own music or no music during the sessions OR use the Spotify playlists I suggest for each practice (playlist links can be found embedded in the Vimeo class title).
Finally, please be in touch! It’s bizarre beyond the beyond to talk into the Zoom void without knowing how these sessions are being received. I’m open to feedback and would love to know what’s working or not working for you. Let me know if you have practice requests. I’d be happy to integrate your suggestions into future recordings! You can reply to this newsletter or email me directly:
Wishing you all the best this fall!
If you enjoy the pre-recorded practices please share them with friends and family by forwarding this newsletter. Word of mouth rules!
Love offerings can be made to PayPal (
and Venmo (@Shala-Worsley)
Shala's Home Practice #1: Sama Vritti Pranayama + Vinyasa Flow Yoga
Shala's Home Practice #2 : Sama Vritti Pranayama + Gentle, Restorative, & Yin Yoga