Happy Winter Solstice to all those in the Northern Hemisphere!
Last Sunday evening I joined a beautiful outdoor Winter Solstice event. All those gathered held sparkling lanterns. A myth was shared and then we walked around the lake near Warren Wilson College, so we could be reminded of the coming light in the now lengthening days.
As a bonus, while we were walking, we got to watch the full moon rise over the nearby mountaintop and shine its mirror image onto the lake below. It was a dose of magical realism that I’ve been missing and craving lately. This Winter Solstice fairy lantern walk is gonna be an annual thing, so keep your ear out for it next year.
Two phrases stood out to me from the myth that was told.
Summer is the time for UP and OUT.
Winter is the time for DOWN and IN.
DOWN and IN is exactly where we’re going with the recorded practices this week as we embody the Earth element's downward and inward qualities.
During Vata times (fall/winter/seasonal change; elder years; times of uncertainty and change) it’s important to strengthen the Earth element with our food, lifestyle, and movement choices.
Earth element is dense, heavy, and slow to change.
It counteracts the qualities of excessive Air and Space which accompany Vata disturbances.
Vata imbalance is more likely during the holidays when there is excessive movement and rushing around, when our schedules are different than usual, and this year especially when we have new Covid fears with the Omicron varant and all the associated unknowns.
Join me for these recordings in which we’ll practice the art of holding still, on purpose, in a relaxed, alert way. My hope is that these sequences will help us all finish this year feeling grounded, relaxed, and more secure.
Earth Element: 35 min. Standing Sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
Earth Element: 33 min. Gentle, Restorative, Yin sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
These recordings are offered for free. If you enjoy them and know someone else who would like them too, please forward this email :-)
If you’re able and would like to make a $1-$5 love offering/recording, many thanks!
Paypal = shalarain@gmail.com
Venmo = @Shala-Worsley
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