Brahmacharya is one of 5 ethical behavior modifications listed in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras commonly translated as: celibacy.
Brahma is a Sanskrit word with many meanings. Big, divine, supreme intelligence, ultimate reality and True Self are among a few of them.
Charya means: to walk toward, to master or to act according to one’s code of conduct.
Putting those two words together, a more literal translation of Brahmacharya is: to commit to a course of action that leads to unification with one’s True Self, or Pure Awareness.
Once upon a time in yogic history, being a Brahmacharya was a phase of a young student’s life when they were expected to remain celibate, in order to gain vital energy and dedicate that energy to the pursuit of spiritual studies and ultimately the unifciation with ultimate reality.
The Upanishads mention that people of any age can become a Brahmacharya and enter a phase of life dedicated to the pursuit of spiritual understanding. That phase is understood to be enhanced by the practice of various restraints related to diet and sex.
In sutra 2.38 Patanjali says: “By practicing brahmacharya, vigor is gained.” The suggestion is that we waste a lot of our life force with concerns related to our sexuality. Brahmacarya suggests that we turn the spotlight of our attention to the part of us that is beyond sexuality.
One way to practice the ethic of brahmacarya is to consciously set aside our sexual identities when we “come to the mat.” Who are we if we don’t identify ourselves as a sexual being? What happens in our minds if we temporarily eliminate the need for thought loops related to sexuality, gender, or attractiveness? Let’s try it and see.
This week’s recordings are an invitation to try that experiment. Each session begins with the conscious intention to create a purposefully neutral space while we move through asana, pranayama, and meditation. I hope you enjoy!
Brahmacharya: 29 min. Vinyasa Flow Sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
Brahmacharya: 37 min. Gentle Sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
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