Brrrr! I don’t know where you are in the world, but here in Asheville, NC we’re finally feeling the snap of cold winter air. With last week's snow and this coming weekend’s forecast of cold rain/snow mix we’re getting a taste of Kapha weather. Vata and Kapha doshas both hold court during Winter. Vata weather is dry and cold, while Kapha weather is cold and wet. Vata naturally rises from Fall into Winter and Kapha naturally increases from mid-Winter into Spring.
Kapha dosha is a combination of Water and Earth elements. Its main function is to generate structure and cohesion.
The qualities of Kapha are steady, stable, slow, heavy, cold, and soft.
Kapha tends to increase during times when there is less movement than normal such as the stillness of mid-winter when many animals are burrowed in the ground, periods when we tend to oversleep or take extra naps, during monotonous activities, and when there is lack of change in our routines and life situations.
During Kapha times, we’re more prone to weight gain, sluggish digestion, congestion, seasonal allergies, water retention, lack of motivation, lethargy, and depression.
In order to stay balanced and counter Kapha’s effect, we can move and breathe in a way that helps us feel light and invigorated. Our practice mantra for Kapha pacification is: Heat up! Lighten up! And Change things up!
If Vata is high for you right now, and post-holiday Winter weather is creating immune suppression, lack or grounding, or anxiety, then go back to the Vata pacification practices from this past fall.
On the other hand, if you’re feeling any of the Kapha symptoms listed above and want to feel a rush of energy and invigoration, try these Kapha pacifying practices. They include postures and pranayama that help to wake up the main sites of Kapha in the body: the stomach, chest and lungs.
I hope you enjoy!
Kapha Pacification: 41 min. Vinyasa Flow Sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
Kapha Pacification: 38 min. Gentle Sequence (suggested Spotify playlist is in the Vimeo description that you’ll see once you click the link.)
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